PrimSource connects you with nature and genuine honey & products!
Learn with PrimSource why, what and how of genuine honey & products, artisan beekeepers and bee-friendly buzzy nature, with educational info related to benefits and limitations, use and so much more !
And not to forget delicious tips and simple recipes (because we believe in the power of honey & products) !
What we aim to do?
bridge the gap between you and honey & products / artisan beekeepers, connect you with buzzy nature home-to-bees and share with you useful information and delicious tips
How we do that!
identify genuine honey & products, beekeepers and the buzziest regions, liaise with experts to collect useful tips and delicious recipes, and bring these together for you on PrimSource
How do we add value?
listen to you, search for you and connect you ⇔ beekeepers. We bring this together on PrimSource so that you can benefit from genuine honey & products, useful info and tips and allow beekeepers to reach out to you — a win-win situation!